Acne Treatment

What is Acne Treatment?

Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that’s hot or painful to touch.

During your initial consultation, one of our skin experts will create a tailor-made treatment plan to suit your specific acne issues and skin type, ensuring that you benefit from the best possible results with minimal risk.

We use a range of procedures including Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) which targets not only acne-causing bacteria but also tackles any associated pigmentation and redness issues.

Treatment Description

Acne Treatment Desc

Acne most commonly develops on the: face – this affects almost everyone with acne back – this affects more than half of people with acne chest – this affects about 15% of people with acne Picture of acne spots.

Types of spots

There are 6 main types of spot caused by acne:

blackheads – small black or yellowish bumps that develop on the skin; they’re not filled with dirt, but are black because the inner lining of the hair follicle produces colour

whiteheads – have a similar appearance to blackheads, but may be firmer and will not empty when squeezed papules – small red bumps that may feel tender or sore

pustules – similar to papules, but have a white tip in the centre, caused by a build-up of pus nodules – large hard lumps that build up beneath the surface of the skin and can be painful

cysts – the most severe type of spot caused by acne; they’re large pus-filled lumps that look similar to boils and carry the greatest risk of causing permanent scarring.

How does it work?

Fractional laser skin treatment is a new technology that successfully corrects many dermatological and cosmetic skin conditions. With fractional laser resurfacing, the laser beam is broken up or fractionated into many small micro beams that are separated so that, when they strike the skin surface, small areas of the skin between the beams are not hit by the laser and are thus left intact. These small areas of untreated skin promote much more rapid re-epithelialisation, recovery and healing, with less risk of complications. The small areas treated by the fractional micro beams, called micro treatment zones, cause sufficient laser injury deep in the dermis to promote new collagen production and resultant facial skin rejuvenation.

Fractional Laser skin treatment

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Acne Benefits

What Are The Benefits Of Acne Treatment?

  • Get faster results from treatment.
  • Reduce scars.
  • Stop lingering spots from developing when acne clears.
  • Prevent mild acne from becoming severe.
  • Decrease the likelihood you’ll need stronger acne medicine.
  • Avoid years of acne.
  • Sidestep emotional distress.

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Treatment Prices

Acne Treatment

Treatment Area Treatment Cost Treatment Offers
Per Treatment £75 --
For Six Treatments £375 --
For Twelve Treatments £750 --

Pigmentation/Freckles/Sun & Age Spot Removal

Treatment Area Treatment Cost Treatment Offers
Per Treatment £100 --
For Three Treatments £250 --

Frequently Asked Questions

Acne is a common skin condition that mainly affects the face. It causes spots; whiteheads, blackheads, red bumps (papules) and pustules. It is very common in teenagers, mostly resolving in a few years. Sometimes it can last several decades. Rarely it can start later in life, usually before the age of 40. It is not serious physically, but can be very distressing and impacts the quality of life.

Sebaceous glands, at the base of hairs, produce sebum. This greasy substance naturally moisturises the hair and skin. In acne excess sebum is produced.


Excessive dead skin cells at the exit of the hair (pores) causes a blockage. The sebum is trapped causing blackheads and whiteheads (comedones).


The comedones then can become colonised by normally harmless bacteria that live on the skin (P. acnes). This causes inflammation – red spots or papules and pus filled pustules.

You should not squeeze spots as this can cause scarring.

No – you will feel a warmth when the laser is worked over the skin but no pain will be felt. Your skin may remain pink for up to 24 hours and we recommend you follow a thorough skincare routine following your treatment.

During consultation for treating adult acne you will be advised on a thorough skincare routine which we advice that you follow to achieve maximum results.

Everyone’s skins react differently but we do expect you to have pink/red skin directly after the treatment which will fade over the next 24/48 hours. Skin flaking can follow roughly 4/7 days post treatment.

Before & After

Here you can view some before and after photos of people who have received the Acne Treatment

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