What can be treated with Waves 21?
Waves 21 offers deep muscle relaxation and is beneficial for the bladder and kidneys . It also stimulates the spleen, the lymphatic system, blood flow and the production of white blood cells.
Waves 21 treatments include:
- Fat reduction
- Skin Tightening
- Cellulite
- Compact fat
- Buffalo hump
- Saddle Bags
- Cell activation and drainage
- Detox the body
A painless and non-invasive treatment
Waves 21 is safe, non-invasive and completely painless. The combined technology of electric stimulation and cold simply enhances a natural physiological process.
Waves 21 is the winner of the Best High Tech Body Treatment category by the professional magazine Proesthetic.
How It Works?
Waves 21, the only non-invasive unique device that enables us to treat aesthetic problems such as subcutaneous fat and fat around the organs (visceral fat), which until now have been virtually impossible to deal with existing technologies.
Waves 21 stimulates muscle bands (Metameres) with frequencies that not only treats the fat around the organs and various parts of the body but also restores and rebalances natural physiological process of the body thereby enhancing overall well-being.

Cold treatment
What does the treatment involve?
A treatment with the Waves 21 typically consists of two parts. In the first part of 20 minutes, the metameres are stimulated, followed by the stimulation of the area to be treated. In a second part of 20 minutes, the zone to be treated is treated with the cold and LED.
Some problems require a longer session of stimulating the metameres. During such a session, the metameres and the zone to be treated are stimulated (longer) and the treatment is supplemented with a treatment with the cold and LED on the zone to be treated in order to always achieve a treatment of 40 minutes.
Different protocols
Metameres + cold
- Fat +50
- Cellulite
- Compact fats
- Too much skin
- Riding breeches
- Bison hump
Only metameres
- Release fats
- Detox
- Stimulation of the cells
- Collagen & Elastin
A large surface handle with VIOLET LED emits diffused and pleasant cold on the whole body.
VIOLET: It is the ray of the visible spectrum with the greatest energetic properties.
- facilitates the balance between sodium and potassium at cellular level
- relaxes and decompresses nerves and muscles
- stimulates lymphatic system and venous return
- reduces the sense of hunger
The Waves 21 treatment works at temperatures of -12c to -15c, the handpiece covers a larger surface than most other devices.
During treatment, the handpiece emits a purple LED light stimulation. This facilitates the balance between sodium and potassium at the cellular level, contributing to the normalisation of tissues with cellulite and reduction of fat.