Laser Hair Loss Treatments

Laser Hair Loss Treatments

Estetika Clinic has teamed up with the Hair Loss Control Clinic  which is the Global Leader in Laser Hair Loss Treatment. With the guidance of  Medical Doctors, HLCC has been successfully treating hair loss in men & women for over 24 years and has been using Low Level Lasers as part of that treatment for the past 18 years and is recognized as the global leader in Hair Loss Laser Treatment.

HLCC ‘s multi-therapeutic approach is designed to be seamlessly integrated into anyone’s daily routine. HLCC has worked to improve the success and the simplicity of each of the steps and offers a variety of treatment programs.

Best Laser Hair Loss Treatments in Norwich

Each program is designed with the goal of halting hair loss and promoting hair growth. Individually, they are all simple and successful. Combined, they represent the best approach to hair loss available today. These steps are designed to synergistically combine scalp hygiene, laser therapy and DHT inhibiting products to yield the best possible results.

HLCC’ s hair loss treatment programs have been proven successful for men and women with the following hair loss conditions:

  • Male Pattern Baldness
  • Female Pattern Baldness
  • Thinning Hair
  • Broken & Damaged Hair
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Traction Alopecia

Understanding hair loss and hair loss treatment

To understand hair loss treatments, you should first understand hair loss itself. There are many causes of hair loss. The primary cause is both male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness affecting almost 50% of adult males and 25% of adult women. This cause of hair loss is directly related to changes in your hair’s nutrition, levels of DHT and proper scalp hygiene.

The basics of hair

The scalp is composed of 3 basic layers of skin: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous layer. Within these 3 layers there are blood vessels, nerves, muscles, glands, and hair (or keratin).

Hair is supported by blood flow, which in turn requires oxygen and nutrients to promote cellular activity and new growth. As hair grows in the follicle, it is lubricated by the sebaceous gland that secretes oil in the follicle, coating the hair for smooth growth and creating healthy luster and sheen.

Good hair nutrition is vital for healthy hair, requiring that blood and nutrients reach the papilla area. When fewer nutrients reach the papilla hair cells reproduce at a much slower rate. Slower cellular activity produces thin, poor quality hair.

The basics of hair loss

DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone, causes 95% of all hair loss. DHT miniaturizes hair follicles by shortening the anagen (growth) phase and/or lengthening the telogen (resting) phase. This causes the hair follicles to slowly shrink and die, especially if DHT is involved. The net result is an increased number of short, thin, fine hairs barely visible above the scalp. For healthy hair growth, DHT Inhibiting, is needed once increased hair loss occurs. The interaction of DHT with androgen receptors in scalp skin and follicles appears to cause male and female pattern baldness. The sebaceous oil building up causes sebum. Sebum collects in the hair follicle and hardens, causing a sebum plug that hinders hair growth. This compounded with existing weak hairs causes increased reduction in hair growth.

The good news is, even with thinning, fine hairs, there is still life in the follicle and it can be repaired with a proven HLCC regimen of proper hair nutrition, DHT blocking and good scalp hygein.

What is laser hair loss therapy?

HLCC’s cosmetic laser systems have more laser diodes (the element that transfers laser light energy to the client’s scalp) than virtually all other laser programs in the marketplace today. Whether it’s with a hand held, Hooded laser or impressive tri-panel units, our clients see the results from our multi-therapeutic laser programs.

Laser Hair Therapy (LHT) is a non-surgical, scientific approach in the cosmetic treatment of hair loss, thinning hair, and scalp problems. LHT has been tested for effectiveness and safety for over 30 years all around the world. Although we sell and offer Cosmetic lasers, several Medical devices have now cleared the US FDA.

The LHT non-surgical cosmetic treatments utilise a device containing 110-170 therapeutic soft low light level lasers. LHT delivers light energy directly from 110-170 laser diodes covering your head. LHT functions on the same scientific principle, as that of photo-bio-stimulation; laser light stimulates cell metabolism and helps damaged cells to repair themselves. This breakthrough technology has recently been featured on national newscasts across the country. Physicians are praising this new technology as an effective treatment of hair loss, when used in conjunction with proper scalp and hair hygiene products, such as HLCC Complete, the most potent natural DHT inhibitor and 5% Minoxidil w/ 5% Saw Palmetto.


HLCC provides only the highest quality hair loss treatments and hair loss products that achieve results, such as Laser Combs and our own brand of hair loss treatment products that have been developed by physicians.

If you are suffering from hair loss, we are pleased to provide any of the hair loss treatment products listed below, but we would guide most hair loss sufferers toward hair loss treatment programs based on their individual needs.

The HLCC Complete Saw Hair Loss Treatment Program is the most common program suggested for both men and women suffering from hair loss. Developed by our doctors, this program utilizes a multi-therapeutic approach with products for good scalp hygiene, good hair nutrition, inhibiting DHT (the most common cause of hair loss) and has been found to be even more effective when combined with low level laser therapy.

HLCC Scripts Complete
The most potent DHT inhibitor starting with 500 mg of saw palmetto extract, with an additional 690mg of HLCC’s proprietary formula for a total of 8 DHT inhibitors, a complete hair nutritional and ingredients proven re-grow hair in 8 studies – so unique it’s patented. [HLCC Scripts Complete is available as as both part of this program and a standalone product.

5% Minoxidil w/ 5% Saw
For years, HLCC clients have found that moving from 5% Minoxidil in Carrier to 5% Minoxidil w/ 5% Saw Palmetto provides much better results. Formerly, this product required a prescription and was only available through our Doctors. HLCC proudly announces that this unique product is now available without a prescription.

Scalp Therapy
Superior, proven scalp therapy designed to dissolve sebum build-up, enabling the penetration of Minoxidil or other topical growth stimulators. [Scalp Therapy is available as as both part of this program and a standalone product.

DHT Inhibiting Bio-Therapy Shampoo
With 11 DHT inhibitors to stop DHT topically, while gently cleansing your hair without the harsh chemicals found in 98% of shampoos (DEA & Sodium Laurel Sulfate). Also very important when using Low Level Laser Therapy, as DEA & SLS have been known to create a barrier, blocking the laser light from penetrating the scalp (similar to sunbathing w/sunscreen). [DHT Inhibiting Bio-Therapy Shampoo is available as as both part of this program and a standalone product.

Anti Ageing

Anti Ageing Treatment in Norwich

Anti Ageing Facial
Lipofirm Radiofrequency Skin Tightening 45 mins £65
Trial Offer – One Session 45 mins £35
Course Offer 8 sessions £390
Hydrafacial 45 mins £85
BT Microcurrent Express Facial 30 mins £30

We are experts in Anti Ageing treatments in Norwich. We use better procedure and more to enhance your natural beauty at our Estetika clinic.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Lipofirm Plus

Lipofirm Plus Treatment

The Credible Alternative to Liposuction creating Inch Loss, Body Contouring and Skin Tightening all in One Treatment

Lipofirm Plus is the perfect marriage between Twintrend and Slimcav creating a versatile platform of both Bipolar, Monopolar Radiofrequency and Cavitation Ultrasound.


The ultrasonic cavitation, also known as aesthetic cavitation, is a relatively new technique that applies a phenomenon known in physics to aesthetics. This phenomenon is called cavitation and is a very smart way to reduce fat, because it is converted into liquid and then is naturally eliminated with urine. Nowadays the ultrasonic cavitation is considered as a treatment alternative to surgical liposuction as a non-invasive procedure with results obtained in short terms.

The ultrasonic cavitation reduces fat cells with certain manipulation techniques, thanks to a hand piece that is placed on the skin precisely on the area that is to be treated. The machine works with ultrasounds that form bubbles in the tissues where the fat cells are located. The bubbles expand and are immediately compressed afterwards. The temperature increases due to sudden variation in pressure and the bubble implodes. This implosion damages the fat cells, reducing the localised adiposity.

The fat contained (triglycerides) fragments into diglycerides that are expelled via the urinary system. When cavitation is followed by a lymphatic drainage treatment, the process is faster, as the drainage is very effective eliminating liquids. The low-frequency ultrasonic waves are useful in combating fat accumulations. It produces lipolysis of fatty acids from adipocytes (fat-laden cells) due to a phenomenon known as stable cavitation, and increased cell permeability of the adipocytes. Furthermore, there is a breakdown of the fibres through mechanical action. As a result, some content of adipocytes is eliminated by the metabolism. Lipofirm PLUS works with four different operative modes which can be adjusted according to the imperfection to be treated; it is the only cavitation device in the aesthetic market that utilises the so-called “adaptive” mode, which is an emission mode that automatically adjusts frequency emission relative to the tissue characteristics – this is undoubtedly considered as an outstanding effect which boosts treatment efficacy.

 Before After


Sagging skin on the neck, décolleté and face along with wrinkles are common problems associated with aging. This is mainly due to decreasing of collagen production as skin loses its quality. Radiofrequency (RF) system is the most commonly used procedure to stimulate the collagen production and strengthen the skin structure. RF enables skin tightening and improvement of the skin’s appearance painlessly without post-op downtime of classic surgery applications or other invasive methods. Radiofrequency is a non-invasive way of tightening loose or lax skin around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, jaw line, jowls and also the area under the chin/neck. This is a great way of reducing fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores and improving skin tone and texture as well as dull skin. It can also be used for body tightening and skin improvement. Radiofrequency treatment uses electrical pulses. It heats the dermis (the deepest skin layer) through hand pieces without damaging the epidermis (the top layers of the skin), to stimulate new collagen growth and provide an improvement in skin laxity and appearance, to remodel and enhance dermal density with minimal risks.

  • Tissue Retraction: The generated heat causes local contraction of the collagen fibres immediately tightening the skin to remodel and re-juvenate the previous effects of aging.
  • Collagen Formation: The local fibroblasts stimulate the collagen formation by heating the dermis and it then acts as a new deep foundation for the skin. This produces further delayed tightening, which only becomes evident slowly over the next few months.
  • Improved Circulation: Radiofrequency also improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage and provides a better oxygen supply and greater toxin clearance.


Is The Procedure Safe?

It is a safe procedure that can be applied to anyone, but a detailed consultation should be carried out along with a report of the complete medical history.

Patients with kidney failure, liver failure, carrying a pacemaker or other electronic devices, pregnancy, lactation, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, should avoid this procedure.

<td”>Therapist, Nurse, Doctor/GP, Surgeon

LipoFirm Plus Laser Smart Lipo Traditional Liposuction
Non invasive Non Invasive Localised incision Invasive
No anaesthetic No anaesthetic Local anaesthetic General anesthetic
Immediate Results Varied Results Results during three months Can result in flaccid skin tone
Cell Fat destruction Reduction of fat cell size Removal of fat cell Removal of fat cell
Result not reliant on immediate cardio vascular exercise Result reliant upon upto one hour of cardio vascular exercise Result not reliant on immediate cardio vascular exercise Result not reliant on immediate cardio vascular exercise
Very effective on Cellulite NOT effective on cellulite NOT effective on cellulite NOT effective on cellulite
Treatment can be performed by the following professional bodies
Therapist, Nurse, Doctor/GP, Surgeon Doctor/GP, Surgeon Surgeon Only
Average Treatment Result
8 Treatments
1 to 2.5kg fat
8 Treatments
1 to 2kg fat
1 Treatment
1 Treatment
1.5 to 2.5kg fat
Average Treatment Cost
£800 (8 treatments) £800 (8 treatments) £2,000-£3,000 £3,000-£6,000

Lipolift Pro

LipoLift Pro

LipoLift Pro

Price: 1 session: £70  for full body wrap;  3 sessions:£180    

Price per area: £35          

Banish your fat with a wrapIMG_0168-Edit


  The Ultimate Bio- Active body contouring wrap 

This treatment is highly effective cell fat reduction. It works by breaking down the fat cells and aiding the body in transporting released triglycerides though body’s natural selective waste processes allowing the contents of the fat cell to be naturally eliminated from the body.

Being bio active, it is highly effective when used with heat or technologies such as ultrasound cavitation and radio frequency treatment.

Once applied, Lipolift Pro will continue to work for 72 hours further increasing results to aid in fat cell disposal from the body.

What is Lipolift Pro? It is highly effective bio active fat cell destruction treatment.

How does it work? The bio active ingredient target the fat cells causing an enzymatic reaction to occur to break down the fat cells and naturally eliminate from the body.

Is the treatment painful? No. The Lipolift Pro Wrap is non-invasive and pain free.

When will I see results? Instantly! The results are immediate on inch and furthermore the Lipolift Pro will continue to dispose fat cells up to 72 hours after the initial treatment.

Do the results last?Yes. Results are lasting once a fat cell is destroyed.

How often can I receive a Lipolift Treatment? A wrap treatment can be performed every 7-10 days


  • Décolleté and Bust
  • Arms
  • Waist and Abdomen
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs and Calves
  • Ankles

Contact us now Or Book A Free Consultation.


  1. Full leg 40 mins – £23
  2. Eyebrow Waxing 15 mins – £8
  3. Lip & Chin 20 mins – £9
  4. Half Leg 30 min – £18
  5. Bikini 15 mins – £10
  6. Brazilian 30 min – £27
  7. Hollywood 45 mins – £30
  8. Underarm 15 min – £9
  9. Full Leg & Bikini 1hr- £27
  10. Forearm 20 min – £12
  11. Three- Quarter Leg 30 min – £20

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Simply enter your details below to request your free consultation where you can get expert advice, help and advice on how you can benefit from the range of treatments that we offer.